\m/ Cùng nâng cấp để website của chúng ta pro hơn nhé \m/
Hi everyone, I'm Andrew from Lotus Community and Singapore! And I think I'm also partially "from Vietnam" as I have lived in Hanoi for five years, and am married to the most-lovely-wonderful-awesome-fantastic Vietnamese lady by the name Trang (not to be confused with the other 123,456 Trangs in Vietnam ? ? ?). I'm quite sure I like and dislike Vietnam for the same reasons as most locals do. But you definitely wouldn't be able to guess my favorite food in Vietnam, which is none other than...
Tiet canh! Haha! ? ? ?
Feel free to ask me any questions about Singapore or whatever in the comments below! ? ? ?
hmm i feel like we need to have more this kind of place forum to get to hear more compliments like this :">
Tiet canh!! Havent eaten for yearssss
What kind of Tiet canh do you like? duck, pig or lobster blood soup ?
What kind of Tiet canh do you like? duck, pig or lobster blood soup ?
Có tiết canh tôm á Sơn ? ? ?
@andrew see what you missed 😛
Lol that lobster tiet canh looks more like sashimi so it doesn't count. I only go for tiet canhs with fresh blood. ? ? ?
tsk tsk tsk 2 years in Singapore you were a vegetarian, came to Vietnam then turned to a vampire ?
Haha, it's super cool, I do not dare to try tiet canh though I am Vietnamese T_T