I’m me

Little Imogen doesn’t want to play princess or pirate! Why pretend? Being herself is the most fun of all! The story of a girl who knows who she is: “I’m Me!”

Grown-ups! Always telling kids what to do, how to act, and who to be! Imogen is excited to spend the day with her Auntie Sara, but which dress-up game does she want to play? Who is Imogen today? Is she a frilly princess in a poufy gown? A knight in shining armor, taming a flying dragon? An astronaut blasting off into space? “No, no, no!” Imogen sings, with a shake of her pigtails. She doesn’t want to be any of those things!
“Well,” Auntie Sara asks, “if you’re not a princess or a knight or an astronaut, who are you?”
“I’m me!” Imogen declares. And that’s the best role of all.

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