Cooking with Asian roots

Open this book for an exploratory look at 17 root vegetables that have come to be entrenched in Asian cuisines. Food veterans Devagi Sanmugam and Christopher Tan turn their creativity and passion to Asian roots after their successful Cooking with Asian Leaves which features herbs, shoots and vegetables.
In this book, they unearth a whole new culinary world with 17 root vegetables, including rhizomes, tubers and corms. Not just boiled and braised, these roots are given a new interpretation in Asian cuisine with full-colour photographs for all 58 recipes.

Introductory sections, each dedicated to one single root, offer advice on how to choose, prepare and store roots; have notes on nutritional and health benefits; as well as explain how these very same roots are used in different culinary cultures. With some imagination and a willingness to shake-up conventions, you could unearth a whole new culinary world.

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