Mind the gap: creating your successful business strategy

Mind the Gap allows professionals to learn how they compare in the market as businesses and individuals, as single entrepreneurs or within large corporate firms. With her simple model – the Dice Matrix Model – Susannah Schofield offers an application that makes it possible to identify business risks and opportunities. The DMM consists of six carefully designed sets of six questions – just like the faces in a dice – which managers can put to customers and employees to get real time feedback about the business and about the specific “voice of its customer.” Analysis of this output will reveal internal strengths and weaknesses, a gap analysis that shows how the business stacks up to its competitors.

Schofield built the DICE model after much consultation with small businesses and with large corporate firms who need, and want to lead in the market – not follow. The model serves as a stress test for business performance, and its use delivers the ability to make better considered decisions, have happier customers and employees and grow stronger and more successful companies.

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